Stockholm Live aimed to enhance the user experience of their ticket management app, focusing on the onboarding process. The goal was to make ticket access smooth and straightforward for first-time users.
The Problem
Stockholm Live faces a problem with their current app for event ticket handling. The app's setup has proven confusing for users due to the double login process. 
As AXS serves as their official ticket partner, users must log in via their API to access their tickets, which means going through two separate login steps: first through Stockholm Live and then via AXS. Users encounter confusion as they already have an AXS account after purchasing tickets, but the app prompts them to create a separate Stockholm Live account. 
The lack of clarity between the two accounts results in frustration and a cumbersome double login process, impacting user experience negatively. 
To combat this they added a lengthy step-by-step on their onboarding which had the opposite effect. This has led to a less-than-optimal user experience, impacting user satisfaction and efficiency.

Text heavy onboarding

"Log in" not being the main prompt.

To gather insights, interviews and controlled observations were chosen. Interviews were utilized to understand user profiles, their situations, and behaviors during ticket purchases. Observations provided deeper insights into the onboarding experience with the Stockholm Live app.
Users found the onboarding process information-heavy.
Many assumed they already had a Stockholm Live account upon app opening.
Users got frustrated with the double login process.
The Arena view function was difficult to understand.
User Behavior Types
Quick Users: Desired fast access to tickets.
Thorough Users: Took time to read all information carefully.
Curious Users: Explored the app and wanted more interaction.
Proposed Solutions
1. AXS vs. Stockholm: Clarify user location during ticket purchase.
2. Choose Your Ticket System: Allow users to select their login method based on the ticket provider.
3. Simplify Current Process: Shorten and relocate vital information in the onboarding.
4. AXS Login: Implement login via AXS directly.

Together with Stockholm Live, we prioritized our ideas. Stockholm Live found the concept of "Choose Your Ticket System" most intriguing as they had observed a similar solution at a competitor. We also believed this idea would contribute the most to the purpose.
Prototyping Solutions
Since the "Choose Your Ticket System" idea was the highest priority, we worked on prototyping them. The initial idea allowed users to choose their login method based on their ticket provider. However, Stockholm Live stated that implementing three options was not feasible, so we limited the choices to AXS and "Other" ticket systems since the overwhelming majority of tickets are bought through AXS.
We also explored the "AXS vs. Stockholm Live" concept, where we emphasized the AXS logo and its blue color on the call-to-action buttons during ticket purchase to clarify user location.
To further assist users in selecting the login method, we added a question asking, "Where did you purchase your tickets?" to prompt users to consider their previous purchase.

Emphasising the role of AXS during the buying process

Simplifying the onboarding process

The primary aim of the user test was to determine if users understood how to access their tickets using the new design solution and to evaluate their overall experience.
Participants were first instructed to purchase a ticket for an event through a prototype of the AXS purchase flow. After making the purchase, users were asked to find their ticket using a prototype of the Stockholm Live app.
After the test, we asked additional questions to gain a deeper understanding of the user experience, what worked well, what could be improved, and overall feedback.
The results were predominantly positive:
Users found accessing their tickets smooth and easy (11/11 participants agreed).
Previous users we interviewed and observed experienced improvement and reduced frustration (4/4 participants felt this way).
Users found it clear which login option to choose (9/11 participants agreed).
Users felt a clearer distinction between AXS and Stockholm Live (9/11 participants had this perception).
 In conclusion, our case study improved Stockholm Live's app user experience by streamlining ticket handling. Through user interviews, we identified key behavior types and proposed solutions. The  design resulted in a more user-friendly app, reducing login confusion and enhancing efficiency.

Feel free to click through the prototype :)

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